At home you are in a better place
Contact: +63 (0) 34 7290631
PRC LICENSE NO. 030309 Mapa Street, San Julio Subd., San Carlos City, Negros Occidental, Philippines.
Corporate Core Values
We are guided by our corporate core values that we adhere to with every transaction and client :
Truth – We honor and impart principles of truth and integrity. In all our business dealings, we strive to be friendly and courteous, as well as fair and compassionate.
Counsel – We share our market knowledge to ensure you have the tools to locate a property that fits your criteria. We also are with you at each step of the contract process to keep your best interest a priority.
Integrity – We do the right thing, not the easy thing. Our work with our customers is special.
Partnership – Teamwork is paramount in all that we do, in our relationships with clients and with alliances and with the community.
Communication – We have clarity in understanding our mission and our goals. We seek first to understand…we listen.
Excellence – We relentlessly pursue continuous improvement and excellence in projects, products, processes, and services, and define success as finding or selling something special for our customers.
Success – Ziggurat Real Estate Corp. is successful because we serve our clients successfully. It’s a win-win philosophy that works for us – and you.