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Philippines economy ranked 10th amongst emerging markets for 2021

Thailand and Russia are well placed to be among the emerging-market standouts that could beat expectations next year.

That’s according to a Bloomberg study of 17 developing markets gauging their outlook for 2021 based on 11 indicators of economic and financial performance. Thailand topped the list, owing to its solid reserves and high potential for portfolio inflows, while Russia scored No. 2 thanks to robust external accounts and a strong fiscal profile, in addition to an undervalued ruble.

Many emerging market economies are poised to recoup economic losses, judging by various metrics surveyed by Bloomberg. Healthy foreign reserves, particularly in Asia, provide a cushion for external shocks, but elevated debt-to-GDP readings will be worth monitoring for stability risks.

Developing-nation assets are heading for a back-to-back winning year, thanks to unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus deployed to fight the pandemic. As the global recovery takes hold, and the Federal Reserve keeps interest rates low, risk appetite should continue to strengthen in 2021 amid favorable valuations and attractive real yields that lure foreign buyers.

source : Bloomberg

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