Every homeowner shall be qualified to be a member of the association
Membership in the association is optional
A lessee may become a member of the homeowners’ association
How does a homeowner become a member in the homeowners’ association?
The law says:
Every homeowner shall be qualified to be a member of the association.
Unless otherwise provided in the Contract to Sell, Deed of Sale, or other instruments of conveyance, or annotated in the title of the property, membership in the association is optional.
Is a lessee qualified to be a member of the homeowners’ association?
The law says:
A lessee of a member under a contract with a term of at least one (1) year may qualify to be a member and shall have the rights of a member upon procurement of a written consent or authorization from the owner of the lot or housing unit. Until the written consent or authorization is revoked in writing, the owner of the lot or housing unit is deemed to have waived the rights of an association member except the right to inspect association books and records.
A lessee of a homeowner under a contract with a term of at least one (1) year may qualify to be a member and shall have the rights of a member upon complying with the requirements of membership under the by-laws and the law.
What are the rights of a member?
The law says:
A member in good standing shall have the right to:
Avail of and enjoy all basic community services and the use of common areas and facilities;
Inspect association books and records during office hours and to be provided upon request with annual reports, including financial statements;
Participate, vote and be eligible for any elective or appointive office of the association subject to the qualifications as provided for in the bylaws;
Demand and promptly receive deposits required by the association as soon as the condition for the deposit has been complied with or the period has expired;
Participate in association meetings, elections and referenda, as long as bona fide membership subsists; and
To enjoy all other rights as may be provided in the by-laws of the association.
What are the duties of a member?
The law says:
A member shall have the following duties:
To pay membership fees, dues and special assessments;
To attend meetings of the association; and
To support and participate in projects and activities of the association.
Source: alburolaw